Beat The Heat: These healthy drinks will keep the body cool in the summer season, will be safe from these diseases

How To Beat The Heat: There is only one mantra to stay healthy in the summer season – keep yourself hydrated as much as possible. The season of April is considered to be the beginning of summer. But when this heat becomes more severe in the months of May and June, the body sweats more. Due to this, there can be a risk of dehydration. Even before the onset of summer, health experts advise people to drink more water so that the body can be hydrated.
However, some people drink preservative drinks with extra sugar to keep themselves hydrated, which can cause more damage to their health. Dehydration can cause problems like low blood pressure and heart stroke. That's why health experts recommend keeping yourself hydrated with natural drinks only. So drink these healthy drinks in the summer season…
Sattu water
Iron, manganese and magnesium are found more in Sattu and sodium is less. Along with giving energy, sattu water also acts as a cooling agent. Sattu water helps in controlling constipation and acidity. The fibre found in it is good for the intestines.
Bael juice
Bael juice is an energy booster during summer, which can provide coolness to the body. Bael juice is loaded with riboflavin, (Vitamin B) which plays an important role in maintaining the energy of the body during the hot summer days.
Buttermilk ie buttermilk if drunk with salt and spices is the best drink to prevent dehydration. It is rich in electrolytes. By drinking this, there is no shortage of water in the body in summer.
Mint-cucumber juice
Cucumber mint juice keeps the body away from heat stroke. Cucumber mint juice is low in calories. Apart from this, it is also rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which make it a healthy drink.