Gas Cylinder: How much gas is left in the cylinder, find out like this with the help of a wet towel!

PC: lokmat.news18
Nowadays gas cylinders are used for cooking in many homes. It is very convenient to cook on it. But often the gas in the cylinder gets over while cooking. In such a situation, if there is no other filled cylinder at home, then the problem increases. But now you can find out from the towel itself how much gas is left in the cylinder.
A wet towel can be very useful in checking how much gas is left in the cylinder. With this, you will already know whether your gas is going to end soon or not.
Use of wet towel to check the gas in the cylinder:
To check how much gas is left in the cylinder, take a wet towel and wrap it around the cylinder. Once the cylinder tank is wet with the towel, set the towel aside. Then inspect the tank to see which part of the tank dries quickly and which part stays wet longer.
PC: Zee News -
The wet and dry parts on the cylinder tank tell you the level of gas in the cylinder. This means that the part of the tank that has drained too quickly has no gas left or has been lost. Also, the portion that remains wet should be considered as the remaining gas up to the level.
Domestic LPG gas cylinders also contain some liquid. That's why the amount of gas in the cylinder is wet due to the cooling of the gas and does not dry quickly. But on the contrary, the part which does not have gas, that part dries quickly due to heat.