Health: How much of which vitamin is required by the body? Excessive intake is very dangerous for health!


Vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of our body. But it is important to know how correct it is to be consumed. It is important for him to know how much of which vitamin is needed by the body. Only a doctor can provide that information, but nowadays people are swayed by social media information and take multivitamin supplements without understanding the need or effectiveness. Vitamin B, K, D, B12, Biotin, Zinc, Magnesium, and many other supplements are available in the market which do not require a prescription. But consuming more than a certain daily limit can have serious consequences.


Often our dietary vitamin deficiencies can be corrected by dietary changes and we do not need to take supplements. But, people often self-diagnose and take supplements. But this can increase the number of vitamins in our body.

One might think that vitamins cannot do any harm to our bodies. but it's not like that. It is not harmful if taken in the right amount, but if taken in excess, it can cause serious damage to your internal organs.

Vitamin A - An overdose can cause mild nausea and severely increased intracranial pressure, and if it is high, the person can go into a coma or even die. Taking 200 mg of vitamin A at the same time can lead to hypervitaminosis A.


B vitamins – There are several subtypes of this vitamin, and an overdose of any of them can cause symptoms such as high blood pressure, abdominal pain, blurred vision, and liver damage. Additionally, excessive intake of vitamin B6 can cause nausea, heartburn, skin disorders, and light sensitivity.

Vitamin C - Excessive intake of Vitamin C can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and migraine.

Vitamin D - Loss of appetite, irregular heartbeat, sudden weight loss, and organ failure are all symptoms of vitamin D overdose.

Vitamin E – An excess of vitamin E can cause abdominal pain and interfere with blood clotting, which can lead to heavy bleeding.

Vitamin K – There are no side effects of taking too much vitamin K. If someone is taking blood-thinning medication such as warfarin or antibiotics, they should not take large amounts of vitamin K, as it may interfere with the action of the drug.