Tennis Elbow: What is tennis elbow, its symptoms and treatment


Tennis elbow is a type of elbow pain. It is a painful condition that can develop due to overuse of the elbow. This disease occurs mostly in tennis players and that is why it is named tennis elbow. Tennis elbow is a painful condition. When the tendon on the outside of the elbow, i.e. the tissue that connects the muscle to a bone joint, causes pain on the upper arm side at or near the elbow, it is medically called tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis. . This problem is common among racquet users, golfers and tennis players. This injury is said to be common in people who play a lot of tennis or other racquet sports, hence the name tennis elbow.


Causes of tennis elbow
# People who play racquets are most prone to injury to the tendons on the outside of the elbow.
# Even after repeated use of the elbow or muscles, small tears are formed in the tendon.
This can be a problem.
# Any activity that involves rotating the wrist repeatedly can be a cause of tennis elbow.
Such as the jobs of the painter, plumber, labourer, cook and butcher.
# This condition can also happen due to repeated typing on the computer keyboard and the use of the mouse.


Symptoms of tennis elbow
#Experiencing pain while using the wrist.
#Pain while shaking hands with someone.
# Having a weak grip on lifting any object.
Pain in the area between the wrist and elbow even after lifting something.
#Feeling pain while spreading the hand.
Stiffness can also be experienced in the muscles around the elbow.