Vastu Tips for Parrot: Good luck comes from keeping a parrot in the house...

Vastu Tips for Parrot: Many people like to keep parrots as a hobby. If seen from the point of view of Vastu, keeping a parrot in the house is considered very auspicious. But some rules have also been given to keep it, which needs to be taken care of, otherwise, there can be inauspicious results of keeping a parrot.
What are the benefits of keeping a parrot?
Keeping a parrot keeps positive energy in the house. Disappointment is found less in those people who keep parrots at home. Along with this, the risk of diseases also reduces. Keeping a parrot also gives economic benefits, and poverty runs away from home. If it is not possible to keep a parrot, then its picture can also be put instead. By doing this, the evil eye of Rahu, Ketu, and Shani does not fall on your house. Due to this the chances of premature death are reduced to a great extent.
In which direction the cage should be kept
It is considered very auspicious to keep the cage in which you keep the parrot in the east-north direction of the house. Keep in mind that his mind should be happy. The house can also be cursed if the parrot gets angry. Also, keep this thing in mind that your parrot should not learn to curse or use bad words. This increases bad luck.
What to keep in mind
If you have children in your house, then you must definitely keep a parrot. This increases the interest of children in studies. By giving green things to the parrot, God's blessings remain at home.
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