Health Tips: Some such symptoms appear before cardiac arrest, be alert immediately


You must have read and heard the news many times. In recent times, many such cases have been seen when many people suddenly fall down and die while working out in the gym. Doctors attribute these sudden deaths to cardiac arrest. The patient dies in cardiac arrest. Because in many cases no symptoms are visible, so let us know about cardiac arrest.

What is cardiac arrest?

According to research, in cardiac arrest the heart suddenly stops working. Due to this, blood is not supplied properly to the body parts and due to lack of oxygen reaching the brain, the person dies. There is nervousness, sweating and people die in the gym itself.


Some symptoms of cardiac arrest 

  • gas formation
  • sudden change in the body's ability to work 
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden severe pain in the chest
  • feeling of something stuck in the throat
  • sweating
  • nervousness
  • chest pain.

pc- naidunia,, navbharat