Skin Care: If your face also turns dark in winter then adopt these home remedies, you will get an amazing glow!


PC: tv9hindi

As soon as the winter season starts, our skin becomes dry, and some people's skin also turns black due to this. Many people resort to expensive products to deal with this problem, but often the results are not as desired. After a short time, the skin may return to its dry and lifeless state. To help you overcome this problem, here are some tips that can help you get rid of dry and dull skin effectively.

Rose water

Rose water can be used as a natural toner. To increase its moisturizing properties, you can add a few drops of glycerin to it. Make sure to clean your face thoroughly before sleeping. Then spray this toner on your face, hands and feet. It not only softens the skin but also helps in removing dead skin, which improves the complexion.


PC: SkinKraft

Limit hot water use

Washing your face with hot water is a common mistake of people during cold weather. Excessive use of hot water can potentially damage the skin. While bathing, it is advisable to use lukewarm water instead of hot water. Avoid washing your face with hot water, as it can darken the complexion and excessively dry the skin.

Avoid using soap on your face

Avoid using soap on your face, as the chemicals in soap can be harmful to the skin. Applying soap can cause dryness and make the skin appear lifeless. Avoiding soap helps maintain the natural glow of the skin.


PC: HerZindagi

exfoliate regularly

Removing dead skin makes the skin feel fresh. Therefore, it is important to exfoliate regularly. You can prepare a scrub at home by mixing flour with curd. Before bathing, gently massage your face, neck and feet with this scrub. This home scrub helps eliminate dead skin, making the skin look glowing.